ARAÚJO, G. S. S.; ARAÚJO, Gabriel Schubert Silva.
This research presents a solution based on deep learning neural networks for the classification of chess
pieces. The goal is to evaluate the applicability of these algorithms in contexts such as robotics, for example.
With that in mind, different neural network models were trained, with different architectures and
hyperparameters. Later, the metrics accuracy, precision, recall and f1-score were calculated for each trained
model and these metrics were compared to define the model with the best performance. The goal of each
model was to correctly classify the input image into one of thirteen classes, these classes being 12 chess
pieces and one class representing the empty space of the board. In this way, a model with 99.15% accuracy in
the recognition of chess pieces was reached, this model was based on the MobileNet architecture and had as
the best parameters found: learning rate of 0.00019, 256 neurons in the dense layer and 43 of the first layers
frozen. Furthermore, pre-trained weights from ImageNet were used in this model. These results show the
effectiveness of deep neural networks in classifying chess piece images.