OLIVEIRA, J. J. N.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3363866887868198; OLIVEIRA, José Jâmerson Nascimento de.
The territory has a different meaning for people belonging to the quilombo remnants communities. Recognize the right to possession of the land to the quilombo people is to ensure the historical rights in favor of african-Brazilians, the denial of this right means the perpetuation of social inequality reaching the predicament of an achievement enshrined in the Constituição Federal of 1988. This article discusses the trajectory of struggles and tensions undertaken by these traditional communities, from the study of some documents, decrees and laws, seeking dialogue with some authors such as Elio Flores and Girolamo Domenico. We question the paths and obstacles of the titling process of the quilombos land to the achievement of the full license, as well as seek the importance and the meaning that the remnants of quilombo attribute the land.