SOUZA, E. G.;; SOUZA, Eduardo Guimarães de.
This work aims at the creation of a model for a lead-acid battery representing state of
charge, open circuit voltage and internal resistance, over its lifetime under different tem-
perature conditions. To define the model, ageing tests were performed, which generated a
database that is used in the model through look-up tables, allowing the prediction of several
parameters of the accumulator. A block-shaped model was developed, consisting of an au-
tomaton that parameterizes the current state of life of the battery and several look-up tables
containing the experimental data. As an output it was possible to obtain the state of health
and the state of charge, as well as the open circuit voltage at the terminals of the battery
and its internal resistance. The model represented the data obtained in the laboratory with
a maximum error of 13.06 %, allowing the prediction of battery health, which can not be
measured directly by the user. The state of health determines the variation of parameters
that occurs during the use of the battery, so it’s estimation is of great importance, so that
the user can identify the moment of the change and if the use is according to the necessary
for its application. The content of this work was obtained through the aging of nine samples
with their parameters monitored over time and allowed the creation of a block model that
determines the state of health, state of life, internal resistance and open circuit voltage of
the accumulator, based on temperature conditions and depth of discharge.