CRUZ, F.S.; CRUZ, Fernanda Santos da.;; CRUZ, Fernanda Santos da.
This dissertation presents, as an object of study, the playing experiences of children from the
first grade of a rural elementary school. The research is part of the Postgraduate Program in
Education from Federal University of Campinha Grande (PPGEd/UFCG), and it’s linked to
the line of research 2 (Educational Practices and Diversity) and to the Children Studies and
Researches Group, Early Childhood Education and Plural Contexts (GRÃO/DGP-CNPq). The
term “Playing Experiences” refers to actions and free and spontaneous playing lives of
children, experimented in their relationship with toys and playing moments, joined by their
schoolmates and inserted in the aspects that contribute, on the specificity of our study, the
scholar context in rural zone. The research is based on the New Childhood and Child Studies,
dialoguing with the Rural Education Paradigm. We aim to analyze how the playing
experiences are lived by children from the first grade of an elementary rural school and what
is the point of view of their teacher about these same experiences. For this, we choose the
following specific objectives: a) to know the playing experiences of children from the first
grade of an elementary rural school; b) to comprehend the relationship between these
experiences and scholar context on rural zone; c) to identify the perception of teachers that are
working in the first grade about the playing experiences of children. The research is classified
as a qualitative and explicative study, and it was developed in two steps: the first one,
exploratory, and, the second one, exploratory and field research. The lócus where we did the
investigation was a school situated in a rural community in the small city of Arara, in Paraíba
state, in Brazil. The participants of the study were children and teenagers that attended the
school in the year of 2017, and the three teachers that currently teach in the first grade at the
abovementioned institution. To analyze the database, we used the Triangulation Database
Technique. In our study, we reflected about how the notion of diversity, a feature of the New
Childhood and Rural Education Studies, doesn’t include, in a true way, all the plurality of
children's experiences related to rural zones yet, which shows up the importance of our
investigation by deciding to research, to present and to discuss the characteristics of the
childhood in rural zone and the playing of a group formed by children and teenagers from a
local and particular reality that’s still little-known. When we finished the study, we found that
the children and the teenagers that attended the early years of such elementary school liked to
play and could find time and spaces where they could live their playing experiences. The
teachers, for their part, stated that the students used to like to play at the school, to invent toys
(especially the ones from 4o and 5o degree) and to have the preference for playing old games
together (circle time and marbles games).