RIBEIRO, G. N.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4583024225973273; RIBEIRO, George do Nascimento.
The current economic system, due to its rampant acquisitive and possessive appeals, leads
a disorderly manner depletion of natural resources. Desertification has become a serious
global problem, especially in semi-arid, arid and sub-humid regions of the world. Land
degradation is a problem that affects all regions, not just the dry lands and developing
countries, about a third of all farmland or highly or moderately degraded. Paraíba is a
leader in the ranking of the states that most deforestation in the Northeast, in special the
Cariri, is mapped as a very serious degree of desertification. This study aimed at mapping
the land degradation of the municipality of Sumé-PB. We used images of medium spatial
resolution and by ERDAS and SPRING held geoprocessing. It was been calculated the
estimated Volume of Biomass of Woody Vegetation (VBVL) and the Index of Degradation
of Woody Vegetation (IDVL) estimated loss of biomass. Also, it was been calculated
Index Degradation of Semiarid Lands (IDTS). Through digital processing of satellite
images it was been detect the change in caatinga vegetation. For this study it can be
concluded that the use of geotechnology was possible to map, classify and analyze
satisfactorily the study area. Through IDVL, it was found that 45.64% of the area are in the
process of biomass loss and degradation and that the VBVL was of 369.970m3. The results
demonstrate that the high and very high levels of degradation of land are associated with
high erodibility of Luvisols Chromic vertics and the low level of protection of ground
vegetation of the area. The results showed that there were increases in arboreal the sub
arboreal dense class of 10.96%, in sub arboreal dense class 24.52%, shrubby sub arboreal
dense class and 13.7%. The detection of change can be seen that there was a recovery of
vegetation for the study period.