BISNETO, F. P.; DANTAS, Júlio César de Medeiros.; EUGENIO, S. P. O.; OLIVEIRA, V. L. S.;;;;; BISNETO, Fioravante Prest.; DANTAS, Júlio César de Medeiros.; EUGENIO, Sérgio Phellip Oliveira.; OLIVEIRA, Virna Luiza de Souza.
INTRODUCTION: Leprosy is a disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, considered
a public health problem because it is an infectious disease which, if not diagnosed
and treated early, can lead to complications and irreversible damage to man, besides
having great social stigma. Among its various epidemiological indicators, highlights
the detection rate of new cases of the disease, which determines the trend and
evaluate the changes in the profile of endemic over time. OBJECTIVE: This study
aimed to analyze the overall detection rate of new cases of leprosy in Paraíba, Brazil
during the period 2007-2012. METHODOLOGY: This is an epidemiological study,
descriptive, documentary with a quantitative approach. The population consisted of
new cases found in 12 counties headquarters of Regional Management of Health
State of Paraíba, through database from Datasus - SINAN the period 2007-2012.
The study was conducted between the months of January to May in 2014.
RESULTS: The state of Paraíba notified 4,382 cases of leprosy in the period 2007 to
2012. From this total, 93.4% occurred in the population greater than 15 years, 50.4%
were male and 50.7% were multibacillary cases. It is observed through this study that
in the state of Paraíba, the detection rate of leprosy in the general population
followed a downward trend since 2007 until 2012. At the same time, it is observed
that in recent years the detection rate in the population under 15 has displayed an
upward trend, justifying the need to intensify the efforts to control this disease.
CONCLUSION: Annual studies about the detection rate of leprosy in Brazil are
necessary, in order to know the pattern of the disease in several specific areas and
direct actions aimed at reducing the indicators of this disease is needed.