ARAÚJO, R. V.;; ARAÚJO, Rayanne Vieira de.
The civil construction can be considered one of the two sectors with the greatest
environmental impact due to the extraction of natural resources and the massive
generation of waste. This sector is totally dependent on raw materials, since the
extraction, production of building materials, construction itself, maintenance,
renovation and demolition are generators of civil construction waste. Therefore,
everything has a negative impact on the environment. This waste is often disposed
of inappropriately. As a consequence, the Ordinance of the National Solid Waste
Program (2012) began to require construction companies to be responsible for the
correct management of this waste, in order to avoid the solid waste disposal in open
spaces or other inappropriate environments. In this context, this study aims to
categorize as for the composition and final disposal service of construction and
demolition waste in PombalPB
city. The characterization study shows the local
reality and the types of solid waste from civil construction. The characterization
study shows the local reality and the types of solid waste from civil construction.
Twenty small and mediumsized
constructions were visited, a questionnaire was
applied for observation and direct classification of the composition of construction
waste and photographic surveys. After a detailed study of buildings in the city, waste
from classes A, B, C and D was identified. It was also verified that only 25% of
construction companies are aware of the Civil Construction Waste Management
Plan. Based on the results, the main waste disposal areas are irregular and do not
have any management plan. In this way, alternatives were proposed for the use of
these residues, one of them is as an alternative material, either in substitution to the
coarse or fine aggregate, for a better management and reuse of residues, more
consistent with the possibilities of the municipality, respecting the environment, and
the legislation.