STONE, L. F.;; STONE, Luis Fernando.
The objective of the present work was to study the effects of different soil water contents and nitrogen levels on the wheat behavior.
The experiment was carried out on a Vertisoil , at the Mandacaru Experimental Station, located in Ouazeiro, Bahia.
The parameters used to estimate the
effects of different soil water contents and nitrogen levels on the wheat behavior were the following: grain yield, straw yield, straw / grain relationship, plant height , head lenght,
number of grains per head and percentage of grain protein. The experimental design used to study these effects was a randomized split plot with regimes of water as treatments and levels - of fertilization as subtreatments .The treatments were: to irrigate the wheat when the available soil water reached 45, 30, 15 and 0% and the
subtreatments were: 0, 40, 80 and 120 Kg/ha of nitrogen. The analyses of the results showed that
the grain yield, straw yield, plant height, head lenght
and number of grains per head increased with the Increment
of soil water content. The highest straw/grain relationship was obtained with the driest treatment (0% of available water) , wich differed significantly of the others. The percen
tage of grain protein increased as the soil water content decreased. Grain and straw yields increased with the increment of applied nitrogen, but there wasn't a significantly
difference among the fertilized treatments. Nitrogen didn't have a significantly influence in the straw/grain relationship. Plant height, head lenght and number of grains per head of
the nitrogen fertilized plants were significantly greater than the unfertilized plants, but there wasn't a significantly difference among the fertilized treatments. The percentage
of grain protein increased with the increment of
applied nitrogen. With the support of the obtained data it
is possible to conclude that, to obtain the greatest grain
yields where the study was conducted, the wheat should be
irrigated when the available soil water content reach 3056
and fertilized with 80 Kg/ha of nitrogen.