MESQUITA, I. R.;; MESQUITA, Isabella Rocha.
This report aims to systematize the development of a fieldwork carried out between June 16th and 30th, 2016. The institution in which this work was developed is located in the city of Sousa-PB, belongs to the municipal education network and serves children in the early years of elementary school and kindergarten. The object of study of this work is the redefinition of the Political-Pedagogical Project (PPP) of a public school, considering that the PPP is a relevant document to guide the actions of the school unit. This work was guided by the question: How can the Pedagogical Political Project contribute to improving the quality of teaching and learning? We followed the methodological path: bibliographic survey and theoretical study on the subject; analysis of the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) of the State of Paraíba, the city of Sousa and the researched school; survey about the PPP with managers and teachers; revision of the PPP together with school management and pedagogical coordination; suggestions and experiences of strategies that enable the redefinition of the PPP. As for the results, we found that being able to develop an effective PPP without the teachers recognizing their responsibility in this process is a meaningless job. Even if the pedagogical coordination prepares a new document, it will not be put into practice, as the pedagogical team is indifferent to PPP contributors or does not recognize that it has the power to transform reality. We also noticed the teachers' resistance in accepting the school supervisor's suggestions to innovate the activities developed in the classroom. The supervisor's attributions extend to the functions of the school secretary, sometimes leaving her absent from the classrooms when her help is needed. In view of the above, we understand that this debate applies to many other Brazilian schools, therefore, we have not found definitive conclusions to solve the impasses in the execution of the Political-Pedagogical Project.