ABRANTES, N. N. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8613729195526518; ABRANTES, Nyedja Nara Furtado de.
This article constitutes the final activity of the Graduate Course in Management and School Planning at the Federal University of Campina Grande - Campus Cajazeiras-PB. It aims to make some considerations about democratic management, highlighting, above all, the role of pedagogical coordination and management. Democratic management is present as a new attitude towards society, and therefore, the vision of this management has been expanded, however, it is not yet happening in all instances of education, which is configured as a central axis in the discussions and reflections of this work and throughout the course. From the methodological point of view, a structured interview was carried out containing ten questions on the subject, a bibliographic survey and data collection based on a qualitative approach. The interview was applied to the manager of a public school in the city of Sousa/PB. The analysis of the data obtained in this work led us to reaffirm that democratic school management is a challenge, and that the manager's performance is fundamental to know the school reality, measure the problems encountered and decentralize activities for the execution of a collective work. Pedagogical coordination also experiences this context of challenges. And from the pedagogical coordination, the action of welcoming and taking responsibility for teacher training, as well as the stimulus to establish a democratic management with links of autonomy and participation that can significantly change the directions that the school and the education of the subjects take.