SILVA, S. A.;; SILVA, Salomão Anselmo.
The work presented in this dissertation deals with a review of the avaliabIe methods of refuse treatment and refuse disposal. Detailed description of plant, equipment and operation features of the different systems is discussed and their potential utilization evaluated. Comparison of the advantajes and disadvantajes of the different processes is carried out within the context of their utilization for a particular situation.
It is shown that the optimal selection of a particular process is not only dependent on the ultimate cost but it is a funtion of other variables such as level of technological development, quanlity and quality of refuse and the level of tolerance of environmental pollution which a community may accept. Finally a quaIitative cost modeI is presented as
an example of the manner in which local Authorities may undertake studies to arrive at a sultable and acceptable solution for the treatment and disposal of refuse.