MARTINS, A. C. S.;; MARTINS, Ana Cleide dos Santos.
We prepared, through research, a bibliographical review on the literary conversion of Literature and the formation of the literary reader in Elementary School, with the objective of contributing to the improvement of reading events, development of reading competence and learning, with the writing of an intervention proposal for elementary school classes in the final years, centered on the reception of the short story genre. For the theoretical basis, we present the concepts of teaching literature at school, based on several authors: Compagnon (2009), Candido (1972), Bordini and Aguiar (1988, p.14), Dalvi, (2013), Colomer (2007), Cosson (2019). We also intend to characterize the mini-short genre, aiming, in this way, to meet one of the proposed objectives, by verifying how the mini-short is characterized as a genre, its themes, and its communicative purpose. For that, we seek support from several authors such as Lima (1983), Magalhães Junior (1972), Gotlib (1999), Bosi (1997), Spalding (2008), Schollhammer, (2009), Dias et al. (2012), Terra (2018), in relation to the short story genre, its socio-communicative and linguistic-textual and dialogic aspects, in which an investigative procedure is established to characterize the short story genre through its verbal and non-verbal construction, the means of circulation of the genre and some thematic references they promote. The methodology used in this study is bibliographical, based on already published material relevant to the topic, books, magazines, newspapers, social networks etc., to form a conceptual view conducive to the elaboration, in practical terms, of an intervention proposal. This research aims to help in the teaching and learning methodologies of mini-narratives. For this purpose, a sequence for teaching the subgenre was created, which contains reading, analysis, and interpretation of short stories. Thus, teachers will be able to use the activities as support material for literature teaching classes. For the development of the sequence, we tried to know the different points of view and interpretations of the SD approach (Didactic Sequence) of some authors such as Rildo Cosson (2019), Zabala (2010), and Dolz, Noverraz, and Schneuwly (2004). In this sense, we proposed mini-tale reading activities in order to suggest activities that explore inferential reading and the reader's responsive attitudes. We believe that the activities carried out based on the mini-tale genre will contribute to the development of the students' discursive competence and, also, to relevant changes in the teaching and pedagogical practices of the researcher of this dissertation, in a school environment.