BRITO, K. M. M.;; BRITO, Kamilla Maria de Melo.
The lexicon is one of the systems that integrate natural languages. It functions as a
kind of category inventory in which the words that establish the speakers' vocabulary
(CASTILHO, 2020). Lexical items are equivalent to the words contained in this inventory and
vary according to the knowledge and context in which a speaker may be placed. In this
research, we highlight the use of nouns and adjectives used in slave announcements in 19thcentury
newspapers, from a textualinteractive
lexicon perspective (NEVES, 2020). We seek
to understand these items beyond their literal meaning, considering the social and cultural
aspects and the context of the production of announcements. Our overall goal is to understand
the textualinteractive
function of nominal items in 19th slave announcements. To do this, we
consider identifying nominal items referring to slaves in these announcements, analyzing their
functions and, from there, the relation between the use of items and the verbal interaction
factors present in the announcement. To do so, we use a theoretical basis regarding lexical
items (CASTILHO, 2020; NEVES, 2000; ANTUNES, 2012), historical contextualization
(FAUSTO, 2006; ALENCASTRO, 2000; BAQUAQUA, 1854) announcements
(CARVALHO, 1996; MOREU, 2005; MONTEIRO, 2015; MANEIRA, 2014). This is basic
research, that rescues old documents, which qualifies them as documental, and presents a
descriptive character regarding its objectives. In face of the analyses, we had as a result the
different functions that the nominal items can present in different contexts. Furthermore, the
use of these items can vary according to the intentionality, the publication vehicle and the
passage of the decades. We understand that nominal items present different meanings
depending on the communicative situation.