ALVES, B. S.; ALVES, Beatriz da Silva.
This work was carried out in the Quilombola community of Cantinho de São João Batista, located in the municipality of Serra Branca in Cariri Paraibano. With the objective of analyzing the belonging of the members to the quilombola community, for this analysis it was necessary to survey the origin of the municipality of Serra Branca itself, starting from the family that colonized this region, the Oliveira Lêdo, the origin of the black people in that locality and the formation and current data on the Quilombo that was the research field. I used oral history as a methodological instrument through semi-structured interviews to address the themes of the history of the quilombo, about the territory and the kinship between the residents of the community. Ethnic groups being approached from Barth's theories and Haesbaert's conception of territory and territoriality, supporting the territorial importance for community members and working on kinship through Armindo dos Santos, genealogically mapping six generations of residents. Concluding that the being belonging to the quilombo ranges from caring for the land, to caring for the residents themselves and knowing their trajectories and needs.