DIAS, A. H. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6724501293564859; DIAS, Allef Hostone Morais.
The use of massive slabs is common in the backlands of Paraíba, especially in the region
from Pombal. The search for the use of ribbed slabs, that is, without the use of joists
latticework, shows a growing trend for this region. are systems of
slabs that are massive at first, but that have voids in their pagination reducing the weight
characteristic of the structure and creating the ribs in one or two directions. This work deals
of a comparative study between the structural system of bidirectional ribbed slabs and
unidirectional in reinforced concrete, as well as in prestressed concrete, performing its
structural analyzes with the TQS software and a budget study for the purpose of
comparison. From the analyses, it was found
which, for the project in question, is more
the bidirectional ribbed slab system in prestressed concrete is viable, as it presents
a saving of 4.33% compared to the unidirectional ribbed slab in reinforced concrete,
9.31% in relation to the unidirectional ribbed slab in prestressed concrete and 1.61% in
relation to the bidirectional ribbed slab in reinforced concrete, in addition to meeting the criteria
deformation limit
required by standard.