SILVA, F. D.;; SILVA, Francicláudio Dantas da.
The variety of devices and their different configurations make the development of Android applications difficult. Because of
this, a well-defined and well-planned quality process is important. The lack of this process can increase the incidence of bugs
and the chances of system requirements not being satisfied. This work aims to implement a software quality process in the
context of Android application development. This application is intended to be used by health agents who will feed it with
data that will be processed and modeled in order to issue early warnings about the incidence of disease-transmitting mosquito
populations. The quality process is defined based on a literature search on good practices in Android development, a study on
the problem domain and on the application's business rules. Based on this research, a strategy was discussed for the creation
of a process that encompasses the development of tests, code versioning and procedures for the application deployment. At
the end of the work, a questionnaire was applied to the project supervisors so that they could evaluate the effectiveness of the
implemented process. The implantation of the process resulted in the identification of defects in the application, increasing
the reliability from the implementation of system tests and helping the maintainability of the system with the documentation
of the requirements and the standardization of the development process. Finally, it was noted that the process would be better
evaluated if communication between team members was more efficient and if it were applied over a longer period of