MENEZES, J. S.;; MENEZES, Jamylle Soares de.
This Course Completion Work aims to understand the professional work of the Social Worker in the face of school dropout in a municipality in the high hinterland of Paraíba in the year 2022, insofar as school dropout is one of the expressions of the social issue, at the same time, the concern is to identify the factors that contribute to this evasion and the possibilities of professional work in the face of it. To this end, to meet the research objectives, a bibliographic study was carried out and the methodological approach used was the qualitative method, based on the dialectical materialist method, as well as the field research technique with the application of a semi-structured interview. The results obtained from the research confirm the hypothesis that school dropout is one of the expressions of the social issue, thus, it becomes a challenge to the professional work of the Social Worker inserted in education in view of the fact that there are several factors that can occasion it. Furthermore, the factors that contribute to school dropout were identified, which are internal and external factors of educational institutions that are directly related to the inequalities of capitalist society.