MOREIRA, Jane da Silva Vieira.
The school is the right space to provide the necessary stimuli for the construction of knowledge, especially with regard to reading, interpretation and literacy. However, for the reading and interpretation processes to be developed in a meaningful way, it is necessary that these practices are systematized so that effective learning takes place. From this perspective, this work proposes a reflection on the effectiveness of literacy practices in the face of the challenge of forming readers capable of interpreting texts proficiently. To do so, our main objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of literacy in order to contribute to the development of skills and abilities of Elementary School students. For this, we sought support mainly in the theories of Soares (2010), Mortatti (2011), Kleiman (2005), Solé (1998), Koch (2009) and Marcuschi (2005), as well as in official documents that guide teaching practices, National Curricular Parameters (PCN, 1998) and the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2017). Our research is characterized as bibliographical of a qualitative nature, as well as applied, given that we seek support in existing theories for data analysis and elaboration of a proposal for pedagogical intervention. In order to better understand the difficulties of students in relation to reading and interpreting texts, we analyzed the results of the SAEB test (2019-2021) by E.M.E.F. Professor Newton Seixas, located in the municipality of Pombal-PB, and we found that the deficiencies presented are preponderant, demonstrating the urgency to undertake actions that collaborate to improve this situation. In view of this, we created an intervention proposal with five workshops that address different genres, from the perspective of literacies, aimed at teachers of the 5th year of Elementary School. With this, we hope to contribute to the pedagogical work of teachers with regard to reading and interpreting texts.