GONÇALVES, T. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9417268759592286; GONÇALVES, Thalita Oliveira.
This dissertation aimed to catalog the visual aspects used as rhetorical
arguments for the graphic production of journalistic news on Instagram,
considering the growth in the search for news in this digital media. It is proposed
to contribute to the practice of News Design and the strengthening of the editorial
graphic discourse, in compensation for the discredit that the journalistic market
has been experiencing, caused by fake news. The methodology used initially
consisted of carrying out bibliographical research and systematic review, followed
by the elaboration of the necessary procedures for carrying out the analyses,
which were developed in five phases, namely: selection of research corpus; data
collect; rhetorical analysis; visual and editorial analysis; and cataloguing. A pilot
study was carried out, which allowed partial results and contributed to the
establishment of an analysis tool. As a result, it was possible to catalog the
editorial and graphic elements used as rhetorical resources in Instagram news,
in which Pathos makes use of photography as a singular element, capable of
transmitting the completeness of information, associating itself with
photojournalism; Logos makes use of explanatory elements, such as infographics
and arrows, with the aid of a pretitle, intertitle, that is, editorial elements that
contextualize and provide continuum to information; and Ethos proved to be
following two trends, being able to use editorial elements from printed
newspapers, already crystallized in the reader's memory, or through digital-born
standardization, promoting uniformity of news in the digital environment. In this
way, it was possible to provide subsidies for the designer to use the visual
strategies that concern his persuasive intention, seeking to convince the
audience through emotions, logic or tradition.