FERREIRA NETO, M. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4555019912317550; FERREIRA NETO, Manoel Cristóvão Ferreira.
With the large amount of waste being produced daily, the difficulties in finding the destination for this material became a matter of concern. Currently the most used site for disposal is the open dump, in this sense this work discusses the environmental impacts caused by the household waste discarded in the dump of the municipality of Bernardino Batista-PB, being carried out an action research. The activities were carried out with 18 students from the 1st year of the regular high school of the State School of Elementary and Middle School Nelson Batista Alves and their respective families, in the opportunity the students developed in their residences the collection, separation and weighing of garbage, the family members answered a questionnaire, the National Solid Waste Policy was discussed in the classroom and a visit to the dump was carried out, observing the impacts caused by the household waste, using the check-list method as an evaluation criterion. The activities developed with the students provided a moment of reflection regarding the household waste produced, the influence of the anthropic environment, noting the impact caused by the municipal dump in the environment.