SILVA, Maria Lilian Almino da.
The ceramic industry is one of the oldest, and it has been developing alongside
humanity, playing a fundamental role in the construction sector. Ceramic blocks,
which are widely used, stand out in this industry. However, the techniques adopted
by pottery workshops for the manufacturing of these blocks directly influence their
quality and performance. In most cases, the labor employed lacks any qualification,
and the methods used are still outdated, resulting in the production of blocks with
various defects.The objective of this study is to conduct a technical and comparative
analysis of different ceramic blocks produced in the rural region of Paraíba, Brazil, in
accordance with ABNT NBR 15270/2017 and the compression strength test of
prisms defined in ABNT 16868-3/2020. Seventeen ceramic blocks were used for
each pottery workshop, totaling 68 blocks. Thirteen blocks were allocated for the
assessment of visual, geometric, physical, and mechanical characteristics, while four
blocks were used for the prisms.The parameters taken into account were visual
analysis, geometric analysis, physical analysis, and mechanical analysis. In several
of these parameters, the pottery workshops failed to meet the requirements. For
instance, in the mechanical strength analysis, none of the blocks reached a value
close to 1.5 MPa. The most promising analysis for the blocks was the water
absorption index, where all ceramic blocks fell within the range of 8 to 25% moisture
content.After the completion of all evaluations, it was possible to conclude that none
of the four selected pottery workshops comply with the respective standards,
indicating that the blocks used in constructions in the rural region of Paraíba are of
low quality.