MAGALHÃES, Mateus Santos.
Education is of great importance for building, maintaining and advancing
a society, access to which is a right of all people,
regardless of: color, gender and physical condition. The concepts of social inclusion
and accessibility, are currently being addressed and practiced more
frequency, however physical barriers are still observed in environments — leisure,
work, health, education — which can make it difficult for people to access and stay
with Disabilities (PCDs). As a result, there are situations in which the reality of the physical structure
of the school environment, for example, prevents a visually impaired student from
transit alone without the risk of falls, or that a wheelchair user can use the
with autonomy, thus depriving them of exercising their citizenship with
dignity. In view of this, the present research sought as a general objective to analyze the
accessibility conditions of the Municipal Elementary School (EMEF)
Lieutenant Titico Gomes and the Municipal School of Infant and Elementary Education
(EMEIF) Luiz Gomes de Sousa Costa from ABNT/NBR 9050:2020. of the objectives
specific, first was to understand about concepts related to the subject of
social inclusion, and the second was to understand the physical accessibility deficiencies of
analyzed schools. An on-site verification of the two municipal schools of
regular education in the city of São José de Espinharas – PB. Data collection was
carried out through visual inspection, use of an adapted checklist, measurements with a measuring tape
and photographic records. Following the checklist and the norm, were observed in the
buildings the dimensions and arrangement of accessibility elements in the accesses,
common internal areas, classrooms and restrooms. The elements observed were:
ramps; tactile floor; handrails; doors; Sanitary; runners; furniture; signaling.
With the data obtained, a descriptive analysis was performed, comparing the items with the
provisions of the technical standard regarding dimensions and installation. were found
ramps with width and slope outside the standard required by the standard; absence of
tactile floor; dimensions of the toilets without accessibility and poor arrangement of their
components; precarious signage; absence of handrails and other nonconformities
with the norm. It was concluded that schools are not prepared to guarantee
accessibility with autonomy and comfort for people with visual impairments
and wheelchair users.