PARÍZIO, Iale Tarcyla de Sousa.; PONTES, Alana Abrantes Nogueira de.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with
diabetes types 1 and 2, affecting about half of all diabetics. This study aimed to conduct an epidemiological
study on the onset of coronary heart disease in diabetic women in post-menopausal women being treated at
John XXIII Hospital and University Hospital Alcides Carneiro (HUAC) in the city of Campina Grande,
Paraíba. And with the data collected, check the time between the onset of menopause and DAC. And then
guide the female diabetic population on the risks of developing this disease. Seven were diabetic before
menopause; seventeen developed coronary heart disease after menopause, and installation of diabetes. It
was concluded that despite a small n the work is in agreement with the literature, and women, diabetics are
more prone to coronary events after menopause.