SILVA, I. A.;; SILVA, Ismael Alves da.
The present work deals with the insertion of male pedagogues in the teaching of Early Childhood Education and the initial years of Elementary School. The main objective of the study is to understand the formation and insertion process of these professionals in these teaching stages. For this, we start from the research problem imbued in the following question: how do male pedagogues think about their insertion in Early Childhood Education teaching and in the early years of Elementary Education? In this direction, to give the study a theoretical basis, we base ourselves on authors such as Vianna (2013); Butter (2019; 2019; 2017); Silva (2014); Louro (2012; 2022); Demartini e Antunes, (1993); Vargas (2016); Fernandes (2019), among others. Considering the dimension of the theme, we adopted qualitative research, using field research and having exploratory and explanatory research as investigative paths. As data collection instruments and procedures, we adopted a script of questions, in which it was possible to carry out semi-structured interviews with four male educators who work or have worked for a long time in Early Childhood Education or in the early years of Elementary School. The processing and analysis of the collected data took place from the content analysis perspective of the thematic analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). From the results obtained, it was possible to verify that the insertion process of male educators in Early Childhood Education and the initial years of Elementary School reveals that there is clearly a sexual division of labor and that Pedagogy and teaching work in Early Childhood Education and in the years The beginning of Elementary School is still a job exercised mostly by women, and therefore, the presence of these male bodies is still crossed by estrangement, rejection, violence, judgments and prejudices. However, the results are expressive in showing that these men are also willing to fight these prejudices, transgress the norm and stay in the teaching profession.