LACERDA, Rafael Patrício.; CAVALCANTI, Elmano Pontes.
The change frantic attacking the business environment does not allow executives to choose only from
experience and insight, without the existence of reliable information. Accordingly, the moderns information
systems enable the collection and processing of data in order to meet the continuing demand for information
in timely and quality. This research aimed to examine to what extent the marketing information systems
contributes to organizational success. The types of research were carried out the exploratory and
descriptive. The unit of analysis was the executives of high or medium level. The universe of 104 companies
involved carrying large, medium and small sectores of the service and trade, all located in the city of
Campina Grande. The sample was census. For the data collection was used to interview in depth. The
approach of the data involved the qualitative and quantitative perspective. Among the main results: there is a
better infrastructure of information systems in enterprises of trade comparing to the ones services; there is bit
support in the promotion mix; promotion and sucess was correlation; and consensus between the
companies, the dynamics of the market. The main conclusion was the existence of correlation between the
performance of the marketing information system and organizational success.