FARIAS, Leissa Wana Alves de.; CAVALCANTI, Elmano Pontes.
With the growing changes and transformations in the globalized world, companies see the need to improve
and develop their assets and skills in the market. This includes the need for guidance to the market and
higher levels of satisfaction to consumers. In face it, the effectiveness of marketing is a need for support in
setting up a competitive position. This study aimed to examine to what extent the business marketing is
effective. For this we used an exploratory and descriptive methodology. The focus of the research was to
small, medium and large enterprises in the trade sectors and service sectors, developed through a sample
census. The technique of data collection was the interview with quantitative and qualitative approaches. In
general, the effectiveness of marketing presented a positive and significant relationship with business
success. Thus, only the indicator of integrated marketing organization showed medium level of performance.