SANTOS, Cintia Rodrigues Gomes dos.; ALVES, Maria de Fátima.
This work presents our yearlong experiences with PIBIC-UFCG Project (2008-2009) on Reading, Teaching
education and its implications in Teaching Practices. The main objective of the research was to discuss and
analyze reading and textual comprehension strategies with public school teachers in the municipality of
Campina Grande (PB), aiming to provide them with tools to work with reading in their classrooms, based on
an interactionist perspective of language. To achieve this objective, we carried out monthly sessions with 08
(eight) fundamental education teachers aiming to verify the implications of teaching practices of reading to
instruct reader/students. Also, we observed and analyzed 20 hours of reading class given by the teachers
who elaborated reading strategies on their own. The results of the research were satisfactory due to the fact
that 85% of the strategies elaborated by those teachers as well as the classes they gave were considered to
be productive, leading the students to engage effectively in discussions of texts by using inferences,
hypotheses, etc.