MEIRA, Jean Paul Gouveia.; APOLINÁRIO, Juciene Ricarte.
In order to contribute to the thematic history indigenous Paraíba, if this project, review the inter-ethnic
relations formed by interaction of historical, indigenous and settlers in front of the various colonial
situations constructed in a region called “ Sertão ” of captaincy Paraíba, during the period years of 1740
and 1758. Sources through the arrolamento paleográficas reads handwritten documents arising out of
Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino Lisbon-Portugal monochromes, creating a database, sought to review
historical positions and to construct the history of inter-ethnic relations between indigenous peoples and
settlers in the devil to paraibano, colonists in reviewing the devil official speeches, which directly or
indirectly gave visibility practices cultural and actions of indigenous peoples ' resistance. To do so, this
work continued revisionism in the production of historical about the production ethno-history of the devil
to paraibano.