COUTINHO, Janaína Araújo.; PINHEIRO-MARIZ, Josilene.
Our study carried at Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, focuses in one of the aspects of the French
Foreign Language teaching (FLE). This study is centered in the subject of French Instrumental (FI). Since
the written text as a basis, we believe that only one reading is accomplished in a satisfactory manner when
there is a previously selected goal, leading the reader to follow the safest path towards the construction of
meaning and to help the reader, this one can identify some importants elements in the text known as reading
strategies. In order to obtain the results, we analyzed written productions of the students enrolled in French
Instrumental courses I, II and Basic, for the periods 2008.2 and 2009.1. Use of questionnaires and field
observations as tools for obtaining the search results that have characteristics of action research. In the
results We observed that the pupils perceive the relevance of the reading strategies, as well as the necessity
of give a new look on the textual genre. We call attention to the reading of literary text in instrumental class
of French language, with emphasis on French as a kind of reading that can promote greater enjoyment on
the peculiar features of the literary text.