BRAGA, Nathalie Lia Fook de Medeiros.; REINALDO, Maria Augusta Gonçalves de Macedo.
This study focuses on the practices of planning for the teaching of writing involving newly-graduated
teachers of the Modern Languages course in the Federal University of Campina Grande, and has the
following objectives: a) to describe and analyze the way(s) of planning the teaching of writing by graduate
teachers from the course in reference; and b) to correlate the ways(s) of planning with constraining elements
of school practices ( teacher education, school organization, work conditions, among others). The corpus of
analysis is composed of responses to a questionnaire applied with three newly-graduated teachers and two
extracts of didactic sequences they developed and implemented in an elementary education classroom, as
part of a required activity for a discipline in the Specialization Course in the area of Mother Tongue Teaching.
The main results show, on the one hand, strong convergence/harmonization between the representations of
teacher-students and recent methodological concepts/guidelines for the teaching of writing; on the other
hand, there is the presence of individual practices of planning, without repercussions on the transformation
of crystallized practices present in the basic education context.