PEREIRA, Isabelle Costa.; LIMA, Elizabeth Christina de Andrade.
This article objectives to present the mainly analysis of the project of scientific initiation research, linked to program PIBIC-UFCG-CNPq. This research, tried to understand the social representations about the practice of vote, relating this to culture quotidian. This research is situated in the area of studies called Anthropology of the Politic. The methodology adopted in the investigation consists in three principal moments: bibliographic research about the concepts of social representation, vote and power; collecting numbers, with the realization of interviews and questions with the electors in the city of Campina Grande and those who voted in the Electoral Campaign in 2008, as well as the realization of the observation of politic activities as: demonstrations, public marches, pamphlets, etc.; and the operacionalization between the theory and the empiric numbers objecting writing this article. This text objectives demonstrate the necessity of destroying the crystallized vision in collective imaginary that “people doesn’t know how to vote”, and, consequently, doesn’t have “politic conscience”. The results of the research show the contribution that the Anthropology of the Politic can offer to researches on the comprehension of politic practice and its representations, trespassing its character simply normative and/or institutional. The results evidenced how much politic is articulated with the culture quotidian, observing that the chose of the vote is a factor beyond the “time of politic”, because the vote can represent adhesion, affirmation, identity and alliance to a candidate, to a politic group or its antecedents, confirming, in these terms, the interface between the culture and the politic.