NUNES, Jaqueline Siqueira.; DELGADO, Renato França de Araújo.; PAIVA, Iracema de Azevedo Monte.; LIMA, Caio de Azevedo.; COELHO, Glauciane Danusa.
Composting is a process of decomposition of organic matter and occurs
as result of the production of extracellular enzymes from microorganisms present in the
system. In this sense, this work had as objective the isolation of fungi with capacity to
produce amylolytic enzymes with a view to future biotechnological applications. Samples
for fungal isolation came from a composting tank. The fungi obtained from the
thermophilic phase of the composting were evaluated for the production of amylolytic
enzymes by the agar gel diffusion method in Petri dishes, with starch as substrate. In the
thermophilic phase 7 fungal isolates were obtained, and the highest enzymatic indices
were verified for isolates 1, 4 and 7 with values of 12.5; 11.4 and 12.8, respectively. The
fungi isolated on the composting system produced amylolytic enzymes and were shown
to be promising for the production these enzymes in bioprocess.