FARIAS, Cecir Barbosa de Almeida.; OLIVEIRA, Daniele Joyce Pereira de.; SOUSA, Ingrid Braz de.
This article has as one of its main objective introduce the experience of a
extension project of Digital Inclusion by Federal University of Campina Grande
(UFCG) at Semiárido's Sustainable Development Center, insertion of Informatic at the
Professor José Gonçalves de Queiroz of High and Elementary State School in the city
of Sumé, countryside of Paraíba. The project of digital inclusion covers the high school
and approaches new tecnological ways that assists both students and teachers to learn
the importance of the use of computing on their lives and the correct way to use them,
serving as a tool inside of class. Therefore, a partnership was done between the school
and the professors of university, where they prepared a didactic material and enable
students of UFCG to be replicators of their knowledge at the State School of Sumé. Thus,
it was evidente the dificulties that the teachers had on the tecnoligical field, compared to
the students that could advance the subjects easily, thereby it's possible to conclude that
the teachers' training is extreamily importante so that they can transmite theirs
knowledge to students.