DIAS, Diogo Simas Bernardes.; JARAMILLO, Lizeth Yuliana Acevedo.; FERREIRA, Douglas Guedes.; VASCONCELOS, Ulrich.; CAVALCANTI, Thiago Gonçalves.; CRAVO-LAUREAU, Cristiana; LUTTERBACH, Márcia Teresa Soares.; SÉRVULO, Eliana Flávia Camporese.
Humankind has been building temples, sculpting statues and monuments,
of various architectural styles, in order to pass its beliefs and culture to future
generations. Over the last few years, science has been reaffirming the need for
preservation and prevention of historical monuments. The aim of this work was to
investigate the performance of a microbial consortium isolated from the wall of the
National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, on the biodeterioration process of test specimens,
with the evaluation of the coating and the acid mist. For this, the work characterizes the
specimens by X-Ray Fluorescence (FRX), collects images, for example by
stereomicroscopy, as well as leads to the enumeration of microorganisms. The use of
paint decreased the diversity and quantity of microorganisms. The presence of pollutants
assists in the development of microorganisms as well as in the deterioration of the
specimens, with the best growth being the total heterotrophic bacteria, with a value of
approximately 107 CFU/cm2.