BRITO, Analu Freitas de Souza.; LEAL, Natasha Lorena Ferreira da Silva.; DIAS, Emanuele Cardoso Dias.; QUEIROZ, Jean César Farias de.
Seeking to aggregate value to regional beekeeping, mead, fermented
honey drink and with acceptability in various regions of the world, emerges as an
alternative to the semi-arid beekeepers. Thus, the study evaluated two strains of the
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the production of Mead, being a commercial
(Safbrew T-58) and the other industrial (JP1). Honey of Bees (Apis mellifera L.) of the
wild type, originating from the Caatinga, for obtaining mead. The mash was prepared
with honey diluted in water, resulting in a 30 º Brix solution, inoculated with the two types
of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Alcoholic fermentation occurred at the
temperature of 28-30 º C and PH 4.5. A kinetic study was conducted to compare the
concentration and cellular mass and the soluble solids content of diluted honey solutions.
The values obtained for the evaluated fermentation parameters demonstrate that the JP1
yeast presented a higher fermentation performance in the yields (Yp/s: 8,51g/g), efficiency
(𝜂: 58,22%) and productivity (Qp: 0,12g/L. h-1), when compared with the Safbrew T-58
(Yp/s: 1,26 g/g; 𝜂: 24,61%; Qp: 0, 03g/L. h-1). The initial glucose concentration that
presented the best factor in the conversion of the product substrate (Yp/S 12.3) was the
discontinuous process fed under the action of the JP1 yeast.