NÓBREGA, I. E.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0693264374674555; NÓBREGA, Izirrê Estrêla da.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the procedures and stages of solid waste
management from civil construction (RCC) in the municipality of Coremas-PB, in addition to
its correct destination. Observations and photographic records of the main works in progress in
the city were made, in order to verify the handling and storage of civil construction waste in the
referred buildings. Based on bibliographical research, the aim is to present the legal and
normative aspects currently in force in Brazil, in the State of Paraíba and mainly in the
municipality in question. The management of these residues was also evaluated, considering
the stages of storage and conditioning, transport, final destination, reduction, reuse and
recycling, where some of them were considered inadequate. It is a city in which the processes
of reducing, recycling and reusing this waste are little disseminated and practiced, despite their
essential nature. Added to this is the difficulty of accessibility to recycling plants, which in the
state of Paraíba there is only one, located in João Pessoa, thus making the recycling process
difficult due to its economic unfeasibility. The municipality, despite not having a Solid Waste
Management Plan, is guided by Decree - Law No. 009 of May 14, 2018, which aims to
standardize the logistics of this waste, as well as deal with sanctions and their inspections,
however, the existence of this Plan is a necessary condition to have access to Union resources.
These resources could be invested in the constitution of an environmentally suitable place for
the final disposal of this waste, since in the municipality in question they make use of vacant
lots as a temporary place of final destination, which is even a contradictory point to the
Municipal Decree in force. This work also seeks to propose alternatives that optimize the
management of these materials based on positions adopted in other places, starting from the
initial need for segregation and classification of these materials, to subsequently submit them
to an appropriate final destination.