PEREIRA, Pedro Silvino.; OLIVEIRA, Audízio José de.; ROCHA, Hidemburgo Gonçalves.; BARROS, Luiz Marivandro.; DRUMOND, Marcos Antonio.
The Araripe is a rich nursery in vegetation, which needs further study about the various existing species. We know that plants generally have great economic importance to the region of Cariri, but also for other regions. This work aims to detect through lectin hemagglutinating activity with the use of extracts of pau-ferro (Caesalpinia ferrea Mart. ex. Tul.), visgueiro (Parkia platycephala Benth), and pau-d'óleo (Copaifera langsdorffii Desf). Visgueiro is considered one of the most primitive legumes. It is an important forage that grows in northeastern Brazil. Pau-d'óleo low tree, has medicinal properties: emollients, enter in the treatment of cystitis, gonorrhea, rheumatism, and, in small doses, is tonic. Pau-ferro, large plant, have cylindrical trunk, tall and sturdy, smooth bark is a
REVISTA SAÚDE E CIÊNCIA On line, 2014; 3(3): 1-10, set-dez, 2014.
Pereira PS, Oliveira AJ, Rocha HG, Barros LM, Drumond MA. Utilização de extratos de sementes de visgueiros, pau-d'óleo e pau-ferro
para detectar a presença de lecticinas através da atividade hemeglutinante com eritrocitos.
natural anti-inflammatory and antibiotic. The survey was conducted in the Araripe in Crato CE, from December 2013 to April 2014 only one individual of each species, where the seeds were crushed, sieved to obtain then the extract was selected. The extracts were used to test the binding activity of the same in erythrocytes donkey (Equus africanus asinus), sheep (Ovis aries) and rabbit (Orictolagus cuniculus). The visgueiro extract presented AH just to sheep erythrocytes, pau-ferro presented AH just to donkey erythrocytes and pau-d'oleo presented AH for sheep and donkey erythrocytes. Thereby indicating the presence of these extracts lectins. However, the extracts showed no haemagglutinating activity for rabbit erythrocytes. Lectins detected were specific for glucose.