DIAS, M. A. S. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5390532599098014; DIAS, Maria Anailsa dos Santos Furtado.
This research brings reflections on the importance of encouraging reading practices
and understanding texts for the acquisition of reading competence. As a general
objective, we intend to address the practices of reading and understanding texts from
the perspective of literacies in classes of the 3º year of elementary school. The
research's theoretical contribution is based mainly on Mortatti (2006), regarding the
history of literacy from the perspective of synthetic and analytical methods; Soares
(2003, 2010) and Kleiman (2005, 2007), regarding the concepts and contributions of
literacy and literacy; Marcuschi (2003, 2005, 2007, 2010), Antunes (2003, 2009),
Bagno (2006), the National Curricular Parameters (PCN, 1997) and the National
Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2017), with regard to genres textual. This is a
bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, as it allows analyzing the data
systematically to understand the contents through the classification of the categories
found (GIL, 2008). As a result of the research, we present an intervention proposal
aimed at teachers of the 3rd year of elementary school in the municipality of São José
de Piranhas - PB. This proposal consists of five workshops, produced from the fable
genre, which involves reading and understanding texts from the perspective of
literacies. With this, we intend to offer our students a meaningful reading practice
capable of forming them as critical citizens to act in society.