VIEIRA, J. A.;; VIEIRA, Jaelson de Almeida.
The study aimed to analyze the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on healthcare waste
(HCW) from the perspective of nursing professionals at the Alcides Carneiro University
Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande (HUAC-UFCG), located in the
city of Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil, during the period from 2020 to 2022. It was
conducted as a descriptive-analytical methodological study, with a single-case approach
due to the uniqueness imposed by the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study
encompassed qualitative and quantitative aspects, with primary data collection through
semi-structured interviews with 60 nursing professionals. Additionally, it was an applied
research, utilizing interviews as the data collection instrument and involving statistical
analysis of healthcare waste generation through the Healthcare Waste Management
Committee of HUAC. The main results indicate that the majority of nursing professionals
were unable to provide a conceptual definition of HCW and the stages of its management,
often responding in an uncertain or confused manner. However, all participants
acknowledged themselves as generators of solid waste in the course of their duties. The
data also revealed that the adult ICU was the department that generated the most HCW,
as reported by 38.33% of the interviewees. This perception also considered the increase
in HCW generation during the pandemic. When analyzing the perception of nursing
professionals regarding the environmental impacts caused by HCW generation,
participants overwhelmingly emphasized the negative nature of the repercussions.
Nevertheless, it is evident that the importance of considering HCW management is still
primarily focused on risks related to the health of patients and professionals, with little
consideration for the environmental context and labor practices that become harmful to
the environment. Furthermore, it should be noted that the absence of continuous HCW
management training, as indicated by the sample, constitutes a problem related to the
environmental impacts generated by improper HCW.