LIMA, F. S.;; SILVA, Flaviana Lima Oliveira da.
This research aims to investigate and delineate various design aspects, particularly the specification of recommendations for developing and evaluating graphical user interfaces, with a focus on promoting digital inclusion for illiterate and semi-literate individuals. The objective of this study is to consolidate a set of design requirements and recommendations for mobile banking applications' graphical user interfaces that facilitate the digital inclusion of illiterate and semi-literate users. This is achieved by integrating design principles, usability practices, and accessibility techniques.To accomplish this goal, a mixed-method approach was adopted, primarily for exploratory purposes, following a pragmatic theoretical framework. The research involved a systematic investigation employing a multi-method strategy and procedures inspired by Queiroz (2001), suitably adapted for mobile banking interfaces. The outcome of this research is a comprehensive list of recommendations for developing mobile interfaces tailored to illiterate and semi-illiterate individuals, without detracting from those established for the conventional user base. Moreover, these recommendations aim to assist designers and developers in making informed decisions to ensure the digital inclusion of illiterate users, ultimately resulting in the creation of accessible and user-friendly graphical user interfaces for mobile applications.