EVANGELISTA, L. H. G.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2727099463683848; EVANGELISTA, Lucia Helena Gomes.
The general objective of the article is to carry out a current analysis of the role of public authorities in managing this commercial space, which refers to the open market in the municipality of Sumé-PB. The specific objectives are: Demonstrating the difficulties and concerns faced by stallholders; investigate the role of public authorities in promoting/encouraging open-air markets; and present possible points for improvements in the management and promotion of the fair in the aforementioned municipality. Regarding the methodology, this work can be classified as a descriptive study, exploratory in nature and qualitative in nature, through a case study. As a result, it is observed that stallholders feel helpless when it comes to assistance policies, incentives and tax exemptions from public authorities. Finally, it is concluded that stallholders directly suffer the impacts generated by the transfer of location and global changes. Therefore, the fair is in economic decline, as there are no incentives from the public authorities.