RAMOS, L. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5840462310146574; RAMOS, Laudemir de Oliveira.
This dissertation consists of an edited and commented review with an addendum to update
the symbology of the use of fingering applied to the bass trombone method by the very
important trombonist Gilberto Gagliardi (in memorian). This method was created based on
the real needs of the author’s trombone studio while he taught at the Tatuí’s Conservatory
of Music (Tatuí-SP). It is titled as: Editing and Commented Revision with Updating of
Fingering for Bass Trombone: using Free and OpenSource applications and as the main
assumption that drove the development of this research, it aims to correct the lack of musictext
clarity in non-formal editing that generates deficit in musical construction. Thus,
its main objective is: to offer a digitized and commented revision with updates of the
nomenclature/typing of the keys for bass trombone by the author Gilberto Gagliardi making
use of Free and OpenSource applications. As well as the specific ones in: To describe the
historical points of the evolution of the bass trombone and the musicological contributions
of the writer Gilberto Gagliardi (in memorian) to the trombone literature: Review and
comment on the musical text of the method for bass trombone B - F - D; update fingering
symbology for bass trombone method B - F - D; describe the editing / layout process
using Free and OpenSource software; the possible answers to the intended problem rely
on hypotheses that that having possession of professionally edited material with a superior
display level increases the response of the construction of knowledge and instrumental
practice in the face of systematic technical learning, furthers the consolidation of a new and
improved form of writing for the use of bass trombone valves, which offers quality time
to which the trombonist dedicates in daily practice routines. Yet, regarding the typology
of research, a qualitative approach and as to the applied nature and finally its bibliographic
technical process. With this work, through applied research and systematization, it was
testified the compositions, historical profile and text-musical construction that resulted in
a unique product for the trombone literature, as well as the perspectives and knowledge
involved in the musical practices worked by Gilberto Gagliardi in the stylistic, musicalaesthetic,
educational point of view inherent and inseparable from the work not yet formally