XAVIER, F. L.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9172629518605638; DEZES, Fabiana Leite.
The tension of teaching Portuguese as a second language in the educational process of
deaf people has long been discussed. Researches, for the most part, report gaps in this process.
This study, still timidly, joined this dialogue already present and reaffirms the urgent need for
public policies that can guide this extremely complex process that is the teaching of an oralauditory
modality for people who start from a manifestation visuospatial linguistics. For the
construction of this study, we were guided by the following question: what are the main
methodological challenges experienced by a teacher in teaching Portuguese, as L2, to deaf
people in a bilingual context? We opted for bilingual education because we understand this
space as more open to welcoming and thinking about issues related to deafness. We used a
questionnaire made available through the Google Forms platform, which, although somewhat
rigid, met our emergency needs in terms of carrying out the survey. Data analysis was based on
Cultural Studies and Deaf Studies because we consider this view as the one that best reflects
the wholeness of deaf people. The data show weaknesses regarding the acquisition of L2 by
deaf people, mainly caused by the lack of initial training in this sense, as well as the absence of
guiding documents to direct the pedagogical work in this scenario, specifically.