OLIVEIRA, Gabriel Silva.
The increase in population aging in Brazil emphasizes the relevance of healthy aging
and the appropriate use of medications in the elderly. This study had the general
objective of investigating the perceptions of elderly people at the Community Center
in the city of Cuité, Paraíba, about healthy aging and the use of medications.
Research was developed with a qualitative approach based on the Theory of Social
Representations. Individual interviews were carried out with 25 elderly people from
the Coexistence and Bonding Center in Cuité. The interviews explored perceptions
about healthy aging and medication use, following ethical guidelines and data
collection protocols. To this end, a qualitative content analysis was used, based on
the Theory of social representations as a data analysis methodology. Regarding
healthy aging, favorable and unfavorable perspectives on the process emerged,
covering physical, mental and social aspects. Essential practices included
maintaining physical activity, a balanced diet and close social relationships.
Regarding the use of medications, varied views stood out regarding their importance
and impact on quality of life. Many participants demonstrated knowledge about their
medications, but raised questions and challenges, such as specific doses and side
effects, including questions related to generic medication. The study revealed
significant perceptions of elderly people about healthy aging and medication use. The
importance of educational approaches to questions and promotion of safe medication
practices was highlighted. Furthermore, the continued need for similar studies to
guide policies and practices external to healthy aging and the health of the elderly is