DINIZ, E. J.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4998390175995190; DINIZ, Elenilze Josefa.
The present dissertation intends to show the understending of the northeastern Brazil
question at this moment. In other words, how the State (according to plans) and some
academical discourse analyse and suggest solutions for the northeastern Brazil
problematic, in a viewpont of the growth of regionals contrasts. First, We start a
investigation in the theory - what has done and wich are yours differences. AfTter, we
analyse how the State sec it and which is the diagnostic of the problem through the Plain
and Program of Regional Development, started from the GTDN, gone by the Plains of
Development introduced at the authoritarian period, until the Plain o f Development o f New
Republic. In the 90's decade, the northeastern Brazil problematic is retaking and analyzed
from another viwepoint present in our days: the open market, the growth of neoliberalism
and the review of the State participation and the Sustainable Development. Thus, the
retaking and the understending o f northeastern Brazil question take place inside these point
of view. Altho