VIANA, L. T. B.; VIANA, Lucas Tadeu Borges.
This paper aims to problematize two central issues. In the first place, we argue that the rise of the Cunha Lima family power group during the 1980s in the city of Campina Grande can be seen through its ability to establish a series of commitments to sectors of the campinense bourgeoisie, mainly industrial, commercial, real estate, financial and the great press, inaugurating the categorized period of "golden years of Campina Grande", thus offering a response to the economic crisis in which the city was plunged due to the centralized project carried out by the 1964 coup. Secondly, the year of 1988 is considered as an important milestone in the beginning of the process of consolidation and perpetuation of the power of the family group in the city, since Cássio Cunha Lima replaces the father and assumes the reins of the municipal executive power. The research was based on documental support found in the main newspapers of the city, the State and some national copies that circulated at the time: Jornal da Paraíba, Diário da Borborema, A União, O Norte, Gazeta do Sertão, the Weekly Personal, Correio Braziliense and Jornal da Constituinte, in addition to the Yearbook of Campina Grande of the year 1982. The idea is to read them according to the methodology suggested by Antonio Gramsci. Concerning the theoretical framework, we will seek to dialogue with the author of political anthropology Roger-Gérad Schwartezenberg, the concepts of the English historian Edward Palmer Thompson and the Marxist geographer David Harvey.