SILVA, J. F.; SILVA, José Fernandes da.
For centuries, africanBrazilians
have been and are being treated in the narratives of history
books, as "things", and consequently, the lives of Afro was not easy. The jokes, the music, the
textbooks used for teaching, especially the literature books, treat them as individuais
belonging to an inferior culture. But thanks to the struggles of africanBrazilian
population in
our country, was established to Law No. 10639/03, which requires the teaching of history and
culture africanBrazilian
and indigenous, to be taught by educators in elementary and high
school. The implementation of this law was important because it is gradually breaking down
prejudice, but the speeches and even spoken narrated have shown that afros are thinking
people, and that criticism can and should participate as a member of society, as citizens
working, feel, love and above all as people able to exercise their citizenship, which for a long
time, was denied. So from this problem, this research used in their methodology, a search in
order to understand the learning process, how the discourse of history textbooks in relation to
population african descent. This survey was important because it demonstrated that this issue
needs to be rethought, with a perspective in which the authors seek to draw up teaching in his
books, texts that allow students to not prejudice, not discrimination, but rather the
understanding of multiculturalism and ethnic tolerance. Thus justifies the choice of this theme
that deals with the search for Solutions regarding the approach of africanBrazilians
in the
narratives of histoiy textbooks before and after the Law No. 10.630/03, aiming generally
analyze narratives and images of the history textbook produced by the authors and Claudino
Piletti Piletti Nelson in 2002 (Integrated History and Life) and specific objective: to compare
the past with the same work was reprinted in 2009.