LIMA, J. B. M.; LIMA, João Batista Melo.
The use of alternative materials has lately been intensified in civil construction due
to the high cost of traditional material such as Portland cement. The lime-pozzolana a
mixtures of lime and pozzolanas may be promissing since it has an adequate mechanical
performace, and low price. The lime-pozzolana was extensively used lately, but at
present, it has not been used so largely in civil construction. This material has a similar
cost to the lime with superior mechanical performance from 15 to 20 times from which
we can obtain some mortar that is resistant to simple compression over 16 Mpa.
In this paper we studied the characterizing properties of lime-pozzolana
engineering in its isolated form and the properties of mortar we obtained from mixture
of samples of individual lime and artificial pozzolana, taking in account the norms of
The tests to determine the characteristics of the samples of lime and pozzolanas
were made through chemical analysis, specific gravity, differencial and gravimetric
thermal analysis and Blaine's permeameter. The technological tests were determined
through the resistance to simple compression and resistance to traction by diametrical
compression of cylindrical proof corps.
The results of tests characterized the lime as calcitcs and dolomitics and show that
pozzolana comes from caulinitic clay, probably with silic impurity. The technological
tests give evidence that this material is resistant to simple compression which changes
from 0,26 MPa to 16,50 MPa due to the samples, used the application of lime-pozzolana
compositions and the time of season. Thus we can conclude that lime-pozzolana
provides the acceptable mechanic resistance to be used in.small and medium
constructions in civil engineering.