FLORENTINO, I. Q. B.; FLORENTINO, Ilma Queiroz de Barros.
The objective of this work was the study of the Stabilization Lagoon System of the city of Guarabira, (Pb), through the characterization of the average inflow, monitoring the physical-chemical and microbiological quality of the raw sewage and effluent from each pond and analysis of system efficiency. The treatment plant consists of two modules in parallel, each with two lagoons in series (anaerobic, followed by optional), with a depth of 3.7 and 2.2 m respectively, totaling an area of 1.92 ha. The research was developed in the first module. Weekly sample collections were performed at 8 hours and analyzes were initiated no later than two hours after collection. The raw sewage and effluents A1 and F1 were
analyzed by the parameters pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, DB05, COD, suspended solids, ammoniacal nitrogen,
nitrate nitrogen, soluble orthophosphate, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, identification of algae, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, and egg count of Ascaris