SANTANA, C. W. S.;; SANTANA, Cledson Wagner Souto.
The objective of a hydraulic model simulation is to reproduce the behavior of
hydraulic networks to be used by a Decision Support System (DSS). A simulation model to be
able to satisfactory represent a petroleum hydraulic network needs to take into account that
these networks does not flow one fluid each time but a fluid mixture that can vary spatially
and temporally becoming operationally impracticable to be able to identify all the fluids
properties in the network at same moment. The hypothesis of this work is that a variation in
these fluids characteristics does not affect the prediction of the hydraulic network behavior
that could not allow the use of a hydraulic model based on an average friction factor with
minimum fluid information. However fluid properties are necessary inputs for simulation
models whose functions are a simple mathematical representation of complex process
therefore it is always expected a difference in the simulation results and the reality. The
process of calibration used in these work did not have as objective to calibrate each pump and
pipe of the network to be able to represent they behavior isolated, but to calibrate parts of the
system to represent it as a whole. To validate the proposed process was used data collected in
real time for a petroleum hydraulic network. The results demonstrate that the pumps for this
network are insensitive to the variation of the pumped fluid and then their characteristic
curves can be used to predict future behavior. However the same cannot be affirmed for the
pipes because the friction factors had not presented a robust behavior. Evidences indicate that
this parameter is highly dependent of the knowledge of the density through the network and
these measurements are made sporadically and specific located. The hydraulic model cannot
reproduce the behavior of hydraulic network yet, because the pipes couldn't be adequately